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  • ISSN: 2582-9823

International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture

  • Title
    :   International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture
  • ISSN
    :   2582-9823
  • Frequency
    :   Bi-Monthly
  • Email id
    :   editor.aipublications@gmail.com
  • URL
  • Journal Keywords
    :   Language Journal | Literature Journal | Culture Journal
  • Publication Format
    :   Online
  • Publisher
    :    AI Publications
  • Chief Editor
    :   Dr. Andrew Sagayadass Philominraj
  • CrossRef DOI


International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture is a Bi-Monthly(6 Issue Per Year) refereed, double-blind peer-reviewed Language Journal | Literature Journal | Culture Journal. The aim of the journal is to bring together specialists from various disciplines to exchange information and disseminate knowledge worldwide.

IJLLC publishes research papers, review papers, case studies in the field of Language, Literature and Culture  such as: advertising and propaganda, African literature, American fiction, American literature, analyzing Chinese language, Anthropology, Applied field, applied linguistics, Applied linguistics, Applied phonetics, Applied sociolinguistics, Archeology, Art, biographic arts, brain and society, British literature, Cognitive, communicative strategies, conflict and community, Contrastive analysis, creative writing, critical writing, Cross-cultural studies, Cultural studies, Customs, Development of an International Language, Development of Special Language, Drama, Education field, ELT, endangered/minority languages, English syntax, Epigraphy, Essay, Ethnolinguistic, experimental linguistics, field methods in linguistics, film and literature, Graphology, Hispanic linguistics, historical linguistics, history of the Spanish language, History studies, Humanities, language, Language, language and alienation, language and gender, language and nature, Language teaching, Lexicography, linguistic analysis, linguistic anthropology, literary discourse, literary research methods, literature of American diversity, Literature studies, Macro linguistics, Medical Linguistics, Mekanolinguistik, Micro Linguistics, morphology narrative and memory, Novel, origins/evolution of language, Paleography, Philology, philosophy of language, Philosophy of Language, phonetics, Phonetics, phonology, Phonology, Physiology, Poetry, Politics of language, professional writing, Prose, Psycholinguistics, Psychology, psychology of language, Religion, romanticism, Semiotics, sociolinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Spanish dialectology, structures and meanings, studies in trauma literature, Stylistics, the epic tradition, the sounds and words of language, task-based language teaching (tblt),  translation studies thinking and writing across the curriculum, Tourism, Translation studies, Victorian literature, women in literature and psychology, world literature..etc.Â